We are a network of pioneering housing cooperatives from Belgrade (Pametnija Zgrada / Ko Gradi Grad), Budapest (Rákóczi Collective), Ljubljana (Zadrugator), Prague (Sdílené domy / První Vlaštovka) and Zagreb (Cooperative Open Architecture) with support from the Cooperative for Ethical Financing (ZEF), urbaMonde, World Habitat, Socialni inovatori, FairCoop and Heinrich Böll Foundation. We respond to similar problems of access to housing and affordability of housing in our cities, have come up with a common approach based on the co-operative model, and have innovative solutions in our work of introducing a novel approach to housing. We believe together we can overcome these obstacles and make a breakthrough for a new model of cooperative housing!
In 2017, we decided to join forces and meet regularly to build the necessary pool of expertise, capacities and (financial) instruments to launch our pilot projects in our region. Since 2020, we are incorporated as a European Cooperative Society (SCE). MOBA’s Statutes can be found at the following link.