MOBA members

MOBA is a group of pioneering cooperatives, formed by:

Zaduga za etično financiranje (Cooperative for Ethical financing, Zagreb) is the largest cooperative in Croatia (1400 members) that involves physical and legal entities interested in creating an economy based on social and ecological responsibility, democracy, transparency and solidarity. Its housing projects are initiated and coordinated by Zadruga otvorena arhitektura (Cooperative Open architecture), which developed a model for cooperative housing which ZEF is offering to partner cities that provides quality and accessible housing for its citizens.

Ko Gradi Grad (Who Builds the City, Belgrade) began in 2010 and is now one of the leading not-for-profit organisations in the field of citizen-led housing initiatives in Serbia. The Ko Gradi Grad team has experience in project management, multi-stakeholder facilitation and architectural design. Its innovative Pametnija Zgrada (Smarter Building) model has been under development since 2012 as part of its mission to provide affordable housing in Serbia. Pametnija Zgrada housing cooperative has been formally established in 2019. In Belgrade alone, the target group potentially includes well over 150 000 people.

• In ACRED (Alliance for Collaborative Real Estate Development, Budapest), we aim to create physical spaces in which communities based on the principles of solidarity and democracy can form, develop and work together. We see collective ownership of property as a contribution to the emergence of a more just and equal society. We believe that the ownership of physical spaces determines who has access to our cities. Our aim is to contribute to more socially just cities through enabling real estate projects that are socially and environmentally sustainable, and anti-speculative in the long term. The housing project managed by Zugló Collective House Association is one of the founding members of ACRED.

Zugló Collective House Association (Budapest) is the organisation managing the first residential building established in post-1990 Hungary according to the principles of a right-to-use housing cooperative. The association grew out of Rákóczi Kollektíva (Rákóczi Collective), which was a broader group working to create right-to-use housing cooperatives in Hungary since 2012. Members of ZCHA bought the property giving home to the project in 2018, and the seven initial residents moved in in January 2019. ZCHA is a member of ACRED.

Sdílené domy (Shared Houses, Prague) started in 2015. Nowadays, it is a growing network, including two housing projects and one non-residential space used as a local community center. The first housing project is called První Vlaštovka, situated in the capital city Prague, as well as the community center Sdílené protory. The second housing project is called Vzletný Racek, which you can find in the Northern part of Bohemia in the town of Děčín. The purpose of Sdílené domy is to buy houses out of the real estate market and create affordable rental housing from them, and, thanks to their specific legal structure, guarantee their continued use for this purpose.

Zadrugator (Ljubljana) started in 2014 and was formally established as a housing cooperative in 2016. By 2018, Zadrugator became the leading organisation dealing with the development of housing cooperatives and research in the field of housing in Slovenia. Zadrugators team has extensive experience in project management, architectural design, civil engineering, research and advocacy. It is working closely with relevant public institutions and decision-makers to develop the necessary legislative and support structure for the housing cooperative sector.

MOBA is supported by:
Cooperative for Ethical Financing
Sociálni inovátori
World Habitat
Heinrich Böll Stiftung