Co-operative Housing International and urbaMonde, two partners in the CoHabitat Network organised the webinar “Cooperative Housing Development – Thinking Outside the Box!”, involving Zsuzsi Pósfai – MOBA (Hungary), Bea Varnai – urbaMonde (France), Lea Oswald – urbaMonde (Switzerland), Hans Rupp – ABZ (Switzerland) and Gauthier Guerin – Radical Routes (UK). Take a look!
“Different groups around the world are using innovative financing tools to raise capital for their cooperative housing initiatives. However, they didn’t come by these ideas alone. By forming regional networks, collaborating, and networking they were able to pool their thoughts together to come up with innovative ideas, allowing them to move forward. This webinar is a conversation with cooperators and project managers developing cooperative and community-led housing in Europe and beyond. They will share their experiences and knowledge related to innovative financing models, the benefits of creating a regional network, and the challenges of developing a housing cooperative based on collective ownership in Central and Eastern Europe.”